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Showing posts from January, 2008

Veins Thor's Volcano Ep 11.2 Update

For Malaysian Community there is a version update for Ragnarok Online to Ep 11.2 Veins Thor's Volcano. Some of you might get the new info from openkore forum but alot of people still don't know how to connect their openkore bot. Here is the manual to solve your problem. What you need to do is to update your tables/servers.txt file. This is the step. Open tables/servers.txt file Find [Malaysia - mRO (English Free Server): Prontera] and look at version 111 Change 111 to 211. Save the file. Walla bot should be running now. Apply the same step for ERO paid server. Please find the correct server name [Malaysia - mRO (English): Aegir/Idun] Currently the openkore svn version still dont have the update. I would suggest to people that still dont have an idea how to follow the above instruction please wait an update and use OPENKORE SVN version. The manual how to use openkore svn version can be found under below link. Openkore SVN version Sorry guys i'm too bz in real life so the up...

Special Offer for MRO Prontera Player (Selling Zeny)

This offer only for MRO Prontera player. I'm going to rid off my zeny which is 500m in total. Please read the details:- Current rate: 1m = rm2 Special Rate: 500m = rm 750 I'm also accept Celcom prepaid reload card. The rate is:- Celcom rm10 = 6m Celcom rm30 = 18m Celcom rm50 = 30m Celcom rm100 = 65m If you interested please contact me at and we can discuss how to do this business. Please dont spam this email and this is only for people that really interested. back to homepage

Client for WOE damage, hide and cloak player

Due too many request i have come out with this solution since the old hex code for woe damage is not working anymore. I try to figure out the new hex code for woe damage but need some tester during woe. If u interested to be a tester please leave your ym id in shout box so i can pm later. By the way this is a temporary solution and it have advantage and disadvantage. Advantage:- Can see woe damage (still not working) Can see hide/cloak player Your character looks like GM Disadvantage:- Will use huge amount of CPU resources This is step how to make it working (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND DONT SPAM COMMENT POST) :- Download the client from dual client page (ERO paid/free) Paste ragfree.exe or ragexe.exe inside ERO folder (read dual client manual) Create data folder inside ero folder and the folder itself should be like this C:\Program Files\Gravity\ERO\data Download woefree.xml or woepaid.xml and put inside data folder. woefree.xml for free prontera server and woepaid.xml for paid ero serv...