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Showing posts with the label Transfer item/zeny using bot

Transfer item and zeny using openkore bot

Most of us will need ragnarok dual client to transfer item/zeny between 2 characters. Today i will provide an example how to do it with openkore bot. You dont need dual client anymore. Step 1:- Login your first character that got item to transfer. You need to turn off your ai so your bot wont move anywhere. The command is ai off. This is an example:- List down what item you want to transfer. You will need inventory command to display your item in bot console. The command is :- i - Display a list of all available inventory items . This is what u need to do in bot console by typing i commmand :- In this example you want to transfer Fabric to your second char. This is in example in a picture:- 10 Fabric x 1 Remember this because we will need this later. Now locate where is your location because your second character will need this. Type where in your bot console. In this example your bot located at coordinate 158,89 prontera. 2nd Step Login your second character and type ai manual like th...