This is dual client for Malaysia ERO English (PAID server) and Malaysia ERO English free Server (Prontera). At this moment we only support dual client for Malaysian Community. Normally people will use this for transfer item and zeny but some of them use it for WOE. This client comes together with those features:-
- Dual client (you can login more than 1 char at the same time by opening multiple ragnarok client.
- Unlimited zoom.
- Can see WOE damage. (currently not working)
- Can see cloak/hide player. Please read this manual carefully!!
Feel free to read the manual how to make all this thing works. Dual client manual can be found here:-
Dual Client Manual
You can get ragnarok dual client below:-
ragexe.exe (updated 08/02/2008) - dual client for ERO PAID SERVER New
ragfree.exe (updated 08/02/2008) - dual client for ERO FREE SERVER (PRONTERA)
Rapidshare Manual
woe damage solution
My ROCP says "online" with your dual.exe but the ASPD doesnt work.
Can help?
why is this always happen when i use my openkore bot
Apply Here
Job : Thief
Lvl : 40
Map to Bot : moc_fild02
lately i have figure out that the thing you must do is find the right config! i have melee bot for beginners! just email me with your 100 RO load Card# and Pin# then i'll send you my config + answer your questions i will reply to you quickly to start your botting in pro Valkyrie!
here's my email again ROK ON!