Attack a monster
Syntax : a monster #
- monster # a corresponding number from the monster list when you use the ml command
To display monster that near you "ml" is the command you need to type.
This is an example:-
-----------Monster List-----------
# Name ID DmgTo DmgFrom Distance Coordinates
0 Alarm[ALARM] 1193 1411 0 1.4 (236, 67)
1 Alarm[ALARM] 1193 0 0 8.1 (234, 74)
2 Alarm[Unknown] 1193 0 0 0 (235, 66)
3 Clock Tower Manager[Unknown 1270 0 0 12.0 (227, 57)
4 Alarm[ALARM] 1193 0 0 15.6 (224, 55)
As you can see # for this example is 0,1,2,3,4.
To attack monster 0 Alarm you just need to issue a 0 command
a 0
Attacking: Monster Alarm (0)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 351 + 73 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 337 + 70 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 307 + 64 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 650 + 136 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 636 + 133 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 672 + 141 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 349 + 73 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 339 + 71 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 582 + 122 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 340 + 71 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 580 + 121 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 656 + 137 (delay 23.4)
Target died
Exp gained: 2356/0 (0.00%/0.00%)
Target died
Syntax : a monster #
- monster # a corresponding number from the monster list when you use the ml command
To display monster that near you "ml" is the command you need to type.
This is an example:-
-----------Monster List-----------
# Name ID DmgTo DmgFrom Distance Coordinates
0 Alarm[ALARM] 1193 1411 0 1.4 (236, 67)
1 Alarm[ALARM] 1193 0 0 8.1 (234, 74)
2 Alarm[Unknown] 1193 0 0 0 (235, 66)
3 Clock Tower Manager[Unknown 1270 0 0 12.0 (227, 57)
4 Alarm[ALARM] 1193 0 0 15.6 (224, 55)
As you can see # for this example is 0,1,2,3,4.
To attack monster 0 Alarm you just need to issue a 0 command
a 0
Attacking: Monster Alarm (0)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 351 + 73 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 337 + 70 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 307 + 64 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 650 + 136 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 636 + 133 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 672 + 141 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 349 + 73 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 339 + 71 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 582 + 122 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 340 + 71 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 580 + 121 (delay 23.4)
[100/100] You attack Monster Alarm (0) - Dmg: 656 + 137 (delay 23.4)
Target died
Exp gained: 2356/0 (0.00%/0.00%)
Target died
So, i wanna ask u, do u kno how to set wizy non-stop storm gust even if there is no monster around? ,
OpenKore version
@ai_seq = attack route
Network state = 5
Network handler = Network::DirectConnection
SVN revision: unknown
No loaded plugins.
Error message:
Invalid arguments.
Stack trace:
Trace begun at src\Task\ line 80
Task::Route::new('Task::Route', 'x', 0, 'y', 244, 'maxDistance', undef, 'maxTime', 4, 'distFromGoal', 1.5, 'pyDistFromGoal', undef, 'avoidWalls', '', 'notifyUponArrival', undef) called at src\ line 503
AI::ai_route('abyss_03', 0, 244, 'distFromGoal', 1.5, 'maxRouteTime', 4, 'attackID', '^@M-^PIM-^Z', 'noMapRoute', 1, 'noAvoidWalls', 1) called at src\AI\ line 528
AI::Attack::main at src\AI\ line 93
AI::Attack::process at src\AI\ line 77
AI::CoreLogic::iterate at src\ line 593
main::mainLoop_initialized at src\ line 70
main::mainLoop at src\ line 75
Interface::mainLoop('Interface::Console::Win32=HASH(0x2b108a8)') called at line 96
main::__start at line 125
Died at this line:
* if ($args{x} == 0 || $args{y} == 0) {
ArgumentException->throw(error => "Invalid arguments.");
This appeared to error.txt.
nice blog!
keep it up.
This blog provides most informatics information. If you get more information about ringtones....
pls help!
@ai_seq = attack route
Network state = 5
Network handler = Network::DirectConnection
SVN revision: unknown
No loaded plugins.
Error message:
Invalid arguments.
Stack trace:
Trace begun at src\Task\ line 80
Task::Route::new('Task::Route', 'x', 0, 'y', 244, 'maxDistance', undef, 'maxTime', 4, 'distFromGoal', 1.5, 'pyDistFromGoal', undef, 'avoidWalls', '', 'notifyUponArrival', undef) called at src\ line 503
AI::ai_route('abyss_03', 0, 244, 'distFromGoal', 1.5, 'maxRouteTime', 4, 'attackID', '^@M-^PIM-^Z', 'noMapRoute', 1, 'noAvoidWalls', 1) called at src\AI\ line 528
AI::Attack::main at src\AI\ line 93
AI::Attack::process at src\AI\ line 77
AI::CoreLogic::iterate at src\ line 593
main::mainLoop_initialized at src\ line 70
main::mainLoop at src\ line 75
Interface::mainLoop('Interface::Console::Win32=HASH(0x2b108a8)') called at line 96
main::__start at line 125
Died at this line:
* if ($args{x} == 0 || $args{y} == 0) {
ArgumentException->throw(error => "Invalid arguments.");
how to fix this?
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