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Client for WOE damage, hide and cloak player

Due too many request i have come out with this solution since the old hex code for woe damage is not working anymore. I try to figure out the new hex code for woe damage but need some tester during woe. If u interested to be a tester please leave your ym id in shout box so i can pm later. By the way this is a temporary solution and it have advantage and disadvantage. Advantage:- Can see woe damage (still not working) Can see hide/cloak player Your character looks like GM Disadvantage:- Will use huge amount of CPU resources This is step how to make it working (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND DONT SPAM COMMENT POST) :- Download the client from dual client page (ERO paid/free) Paste ragfree.exe or ragexe.exe inside ERO folder (read dual client manual) Create data folder inside ero folder and the folder itself should be like this C:\Program Files\Gravity\ERO\data Download woefree.xml or woepaid.xml and put inside data folder. woefree.xml for free prontera server and woepaid.xml for paid ero serv

Announcement for iRO users (packet error)

iRO now uses serverType 0 - make sure you get the release, verify the serverType in your servers.txt, and extract recvpackets.txt . For XKore issues, you'd need the latest SVN (revision 6150, 26 December 2007) for that. How to:- Get openkore release but i would recommend openkore SVN Read recvpackets manual and extract it Once done, check in tables/servers.txt [International - iRO: Chaos/Loki/Iris] serverType is set to 0 (serverType 0) paddedPackets is set to 0 (paddedPackets 0) If you bot on Sakray, the same applies, just for [International - iRO: Sakray] Now, check tables/recvpackets.txt Make sure on top it reads: # Packet lengths for iRO (December 14, 2007) or # Packet lengths for iRO (December 19, 2007) If it doesn't, rename recvpacktes-iro.txt to recvpackets.txt (Openkore always uses recvpacktes.txt - the other recvpackets-*.txt are there to be renamed / copied over to recvpackets.txt.) Additionally, in your control/config.txt, set serverType to 0 (serverT

Packet Extractor Generate Recvpackets.txt

Basically this is common thing that everybody need after server maintenance when Ragnarok Client got patched. Sometimes Gamefiler update some new packets and your bot cannot recognized it and when you start your bot you will get a message like this:- Unknown packet - 0057 How to solve this? Please read this instruction carefully:- Download packet extractor . Please report if link has broken. Extract the folder and double click Packet-Extractor file. Click button Open Ragexe/Sakexe/Ragfree Find where is the ragexe.exe or sakexe.exe or ragfree.exe located (usually inside RO folder) - for MRO should be in c:\Program Files\Gravity\MRO\Ragexe.exe Select ragexe.exe or sakexe.exe or ragfree.exe and click open Click start button and it will create recvpackets.txt inside packet-extractor folder Copy recvpackets.txt into tables folder and it will overwrite old recvpackets.txt file. You can run bot now and hopefully no more unknown packet appear. Download packet extractor Back to tools page

Ragnarok Tools

Ragnarok tools is extra program that might be related to bot program or Ragnarok Client itself. This is a list of bundle program you need:- Packet Extractor - to extract recvpackets.txt GRF Tool - grf extractor that mainly use to get ragnarok ip, version, gm id

Hunter Bot Config (gef_fild05) NON-Teleport Version

Hunter (gef_fild05) for server that prevent teleport Please read this manual how to insert bot config in bot program. How To Use Bot Config - Bot Config Manual Savemap : Geffen Lockmap : gef_fild05 Base Lvl : 60 ++ Skills : Double Strafe (10), Attention Concentration Weapon : ++ Rudra Bow or any weapon suitable Equipment : Whisper Card, Rudra Bow Arrow: Silver Arrow (MUST) Monster : Wild Rose, Kobold Archer Item Loot : Cyfar, Witherless Rose Desc: Leveling bot to kill Wild Rose and Kobold Archer for fast exp and zeny. You need to take a look on config. This pre-config important key as below:- will use hp item when hp less than 90% in config.txt find useSelf_item for hp and change to suite your need will use sp item when sp less than 30% in config.txt find useSelf_item for sp and change to suite your need will pickup 3500 silver arrow automatically when min amount of silver arrow less than 25. Please ensure you have sufficient silver arrow in inventory or bot will dc when you ran ou

Hunter Bot Config (gef_fild05) Teleport Version

Hunter (gef_fild05) for server that allow teleport without sp Please read this manual how to insert bot config in bot program. How To Use Bot Config - Bot Config Manual Savemap : Geffen Lockmap : gef_fild05 Base Lvl : 60 ++ Skills : Double Strafe (10), Attention Concentration Weapon : ++ Rudra Bow or any weapon suitable Equipment : Teleport clip (MUST), Whisper Card, Rudra Bow Arrow: Silver Arrow (MUST) Monster : Wild Rose, Kobold Archer Item Loot : Cyfar, Witherless Rose Desc: Leveling bot to kill Wild Rose and Kobold Archer for fast exp and zeny. You need to take a look on config. This pre-config important key as below:- will use hp item when hp less than 90% in config.txt find useSelf_item for hp and change to suite your need will use sp item when sp less than 30% in config.txt find useSelf_item for sp and change to suite your need will pickup 3500 silver arrow automatically when min amount of silver arrow less than 25. Please ensure you have sufficient silver arrow in inventory

OpenKore has been released

Good news new version of OpenKore has been released. Here are the latest fix and features:- Added ability to locate data files from multiple possible locations. Added lockdown mode. Fixed the 'followBot' feature. Added 'StorageZeny' for storage, and 'zeny' in 'SelfCondition'. (thanks to 4epT and piroJOKE) Added serverType 19 and 20 to support pRO Valkyrie Added 'teleportAuto_useItemForRespawn' if set to 1 Kore will use Butterfly Wing to respawn. Added support for encrypted padded packets. Fixed many bugs. OpenKore download link Instructions:- 1) Extract and you should get this:- openkore- -control -tables -logs -src Dont forget to put fields folder inside or your bot isn't working. 2) Download bot config from bot config download link (on top of this page) and extract it. For example download cyfar bot. Extract and u will get control folder. 3) Remove control folder in openkore-2.0.5.