Due too many request i have come out with this solution since the old hex code for woe damage is not working anymore. I try to figure out the new hex code for woe damage but need some tester during woe. If u interested to be a tester please leave your ym id in shout box so i can pm later. By the way this is a temporary solution and it have advantage and disadvantage. Advantage:- Can see woe damage (still not working) Can see hide/cloak player Your character looks like GM Disadvantage:- Will use huge amount of CPU resources This is step how to make it working (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND DONT SPAM COMMENT POST) :- Download the client from dual client page (ERO paid/free) Paste ragfree.exe or ragexe.exe inside ERO folder (read dual client manual) Create data folder inside ero folder and the folder itself should be like this C:\Program Files\Gravity\ERO\data Download woefree.xml or woepaid.xml and put inside data folder. woefree.xml for free prontera server and woepaid.xml for paid ero serv...