Hunter (gef_fild05) for server that prevent teleport
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Please read this manual how to insert bot config in bot program.
How To Use Bot Config - Bot Config Manual
Savemap : Geffen
Lockmap : gef_fild05
Base Lvl : 60 ++
Skills : Double Strafe (10), Attention Concentration
Weapon : ++ Rudra Bow or any weapon suitable
Equipment : Whisper Card, Rudra Bow
Arrow: Silver Arrow (MUST)
Monster : Wild Rose, Kobold Archer
Item Loot : Cyfar, Witherless Rose
Desc: Leveling bot to kill Wild Rose and Kobold Archer for fast exp and zeny. You need to take a look on config. This pre-config important key as below:-
- will use hp item when hp less than 90% in config.txt find useSelf_item for hp and change to suite your need
- will use sp item when sp less than 30% in config.txt find useSelf_item for sp and change to suite your need
- will pickup 3500 silver arrow automatically when min amount of silver arrow less than 25. Please ensure you have sufficient silver arrow in inventory or bot will dc when you ran out of silver arrow. You can change the amout in config.txt at getAuto Silver Arrow syntax.
- storageAuto_npc geffen 203 123 will be the kafra point. Please change in config.txt if your coordinate is different.
- sellAuto_npc geffen 196 111 will be the sell point. Please change in config.txt if your coordinate is different.
- Improve Concentration will be use when sp more than 99%. You can change the % in config.txt at useSelf_skill Improve Concentration syntax.
- Double Strafe will be use when sp is more than 5%. You can change the % in config.txt at attackSkillSlot Double Strafe syntax.
- Bot will sit when sitAuto_hp_lower 35 and stand when sitAuto_hp_upper 70. Same as hp bot will sit when sitAuto_sp_lower 25 and stand when sitAuto_sp_upper 70. This number is the % of your hp/sp. Please change the % to suite your bot.
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